Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Good Evening!!  I've been quite the stacker with my blog posts lately, and come to think of it, I really don't have a good excuse why.  Other than the normal, working and working out we've been enjoying the summer!!  Lots of parties, a day on the boat, wedding planning, and tons of lazy days spent at the pool! 

I did start my next quilting project.  I cut out my quilt pieces with my super handy fabric cutter from Accuquilt.  It's so quick and easy to use and it takes out the frustration of cutting even pieces. 

Although, I've just started, I do really like how the colors are fitting together.  

Hopefully, I'll be back soon with the finished project.  In the meantime, here is the most recent table runner that I made for myself!  Along with some pretty flowers that Blain gave me! 

If your looking for more info on Accuquilt, go to http://www.accuquilt.com.